Raleigh Children's Dentist
Trusted, Caring and Experienced Care

Kid's Dentistry
A good children’s dentist in Raleigh can be hard to find. The fact of the matter is that it takes an extra level of care and attention to become a good children’s dentist. Here at North Ridge Dental, our entire staff is patient and experienced with dentistry for children. Please feel free to check out some of the information below concerning common questions about children’s dentistry.

Child's First Dental Visit
The initial dental visit is intended to give the parent information on growth and development, prevention tips for tooth decay and become comfortable with our doctors and staff. Building trust early on will help keep your child at ease for future dental visits. Children should begin seeing the dentist when their first tooth begins to come through or by the first birthday, whichever comes first.
Effects of Pacifiers and Thumb-Sucking
Pacifiers are okay to use up until about the age of two to four. We typically discourage the use of pacifiers after this as they can hurt the development of your child’s teeth permanently.
Another habit strongly discouraged is thumb-sucking as this can lead to improper growth, alignment and changes in the roof of the mouth.
Teething & Primary Teeth

Teething can be very irritating to your child. Their gums will be sore and your natural instinct will be to want to eliminate this pain for them. Teething rings, cool wet cloths, back of a spoon and even rubbing your finger along their gums can help ease their pain.
Typically by the age of 3, each child has all 20 of their primary teeth. The condition and health of primary teeth are incredibly important. They allow for well-developed speech, maintain good nutrition and guide their permanent teeth into place. Permanent teeth begin to erupt around age 6 and continues until around age 21. Adults have 28 permanent teeth and 32 when including “wisdom” teeth.
Fluoride & Dental Sealants
Fluoride is important for teeth because it helps prevent tooth decay and strengthens the enamel. Fluoride is found in small amounts in our water, many types of toothpaste and some foods. If you have any questions pertaining to the amount you believe your child should consume please ask Dr. Wright at North Ridge Dental.
Dental sealants are a preventative measure against tooth decay. Many of times the sealants are placed on the back molars of permanent teeth and used to protect the chewing surfaces. Dental sealant application typically lasts for several years. It is important to remember that fluoride and dental sealants alone will not prevent tooth decay in your children. Brushing, flossing, and making sure your children eat a well-balanced nutritious diet and routine dental visits are all essential for long lasting healthy smiles.
North Ridge Dental is your trusted Raleigh NC dentist for Pediatric Dentistry!